Se avete caricato foto in pinterest è il caso che leggiate quanto segue.
Due cose importanti:
- la disponibilità dei contenuti caricati
- la responsabilità dei contenuti caricati
Circa la disponibilità dei contenuti caricati
b. How Pint erest and ot her users can use your cont ent .
You grant Pint erest and it s users a nonexclusive, royalt yf ree, t ransf erable, sublicensable, worldwide license t o use, st ore, display,
reproduce, repin, modif y, creat e derivat ive works, perf orm, and dist ribut e your User Cont ent on Pint erest solely f or t he purposes of
operat ing, developing, providing, and using t he Product s. Not hing in t hese Terms shall rest rict ot her legal right s Pint erest may have t o User
Cont ent , f or example under ot her licenses. We reserve t he right t o remove or modif y User Cont ent f or any reason, including User Cont ent
t hat we believe violates these Terms or our policies.
c. How long we keep your content :
Following termination or deactivation of your account , or if you remove any User Cont ent f rom Pint erest , we may retain your User Content for
a commercially reasonable period of time f or backup, archival, or audit purposes. Furt hermore, Pint erest and it s users may ret ain and
cont inue t o use, st ore, display, reproduce, repin, modif y, creat e derivat ive works, perf orm, and dist ribut e any of your User Cont ent t hat ot her
users have stored or shared through Pinterest
Usando Pinterest quindi praticamente si cede l’uso delle immagini caricate, anche se si chiude il proprio account, “for a commercially reasonable period of time”.
Circa la responsabilità dei contenuti caricati
Il contratto è chiaro:
8. Indemnity
You agree to indemnif y and hold harmless Pinterest … from and against any claims, …, demands, damages, losses, cost s and expenses, … in any way related to (a) your access to use of our Products, (b) your User Content , or (c) your breach of any of these Terms.
Qualsiasi richiesta di indennizzo, è cosa vostra!
Il file in pdf con i Termini del servizio di Pinterest.
Pinterest appare ampiamente in contrasto con l’esecuzione di una propria volontà digitale!